Alexey Malakhov - My Inspirations
Stanislaw Lem -
a pure thinker. While he is mostly referred to as a writer,
I do not think it is possible to classify him into any specifically defined group. His books are thorough and rigorous
thought experiments about human and technological development. I admire most
of his stuff, but absolute favorites would be
The Cyberiad,
Return from the Stars,
The Star Diaries.
Good arcitles about Stanislaw Lem:
Dr. Strangelove - a great mental exercise by Stanley Kubrick with an absolutely hilarious dark comedy twist. | |
The Mile High Illinois - a magnificent building reaching one mile into the sky. Proposed and designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1956, when he was 88 years old. | |
Philosophers by Mikhail Nesterov | |
Future Pilots by Alexander Deineka | |
Grazing Horses IV by Franz Marc | |
Nighthawks by Edward Hopper | |
Moon Night. Zdravnevo by Ilya Repin | |